ok, this is how it all started. / 這是如何開始的

    It all started when I first had my period (I can't recall when it happened, should be around 13ish years old). And then I realized every time it happens I am in so much pain I want to cut my uterus out. I thought it would only happen few times, things will get better next time, I thought things always gets better. BUT IT DIDN'T, MOTHERFUCKER IT GOT MORE PAINFUL.

     And yes, I've tried everything expect smoking weed to relief the pain, I'm assuming that maybe smoking weed is one of the best way to feel better, otherwise I was considering getting pregnant so I wouldn't feel pain for at least 8 months (what??).

   This blog is about the PMS me, cynical me, and the way my split personality sees the world. I'm the fake one. Maybe the real one is really just flesh, who knows.

     這從我第一次有月經時開始 (我已經不記得是什麼時候了,應該是13歲左右時)。然後我發現每次經期來的時候我他媽都痛到快往生,痛到我想把我子宮給切出來。我以為這只會發生數次,之後會變好,畢竟很多事情都會慢慢開始改善。但並沒有,而且你娘老機掰的只有便更痛。



